COMEDY; 1hr 59min
STARRING: Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Rose Byrne, John Goodman

Google crashers: from left, Wilson and Vaughn
When you’re selling something that no-one wants to buy, chances are your deals will dry up. Confronted with that fate and with no other tricks up their sleeves, watch salesmen and close pals Nick and Billy (Wilson and Vaughn) sweet-talk their way into an internship at Google’s trendsetting California campus. Not only are the two smoothies years older than their fellow wannabes but they know precious little about technology. This is unfortunate, since at Google, fantabulous innovation is a daily way of life and 95 per cent of interns won’t make the employment cut, but at least it paves the goofball groundwork.
To say that Nick and Billy’s internship doesn’t go well at first is to compare a tsunami to a gentle ripple. What the lovable lunkheads do have going for them, unlike their nerdlinger teammates, is the unsinkable buoyancy of bobbing corks. The big-picture message, co-scripted by Vaughn and directed by Night at the Museum ’s Shawn Levy, is that life, in all its complexity and challenges, is for living, dammit — and despite this worshipful shout-out to all things Googlified, not just through miniature screens.