COMEDY; 1hr 43min
STARRING: Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon

Sketch comedy: from left, Brydon and Coogan
They’re ba-ack — comedians Coogan and Brydon, that is—motoring from Piedmont to Capri in a nippy convertible Mini in another Michael Winterbottom–directed, The Observer newspaper–commissioned knees-up. In 2010’s The Trip, C&B took a talky foodie tour of northern England. This pithy smorgasbord is the same deal, Italian-style: a neatly edited compendium of six TV shows featuring delizioso, artisanal chow-downs, nippy verbal gamesmanship and uncannily great impersonations — Michael Caine, Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro…
The postcard surroundings would reek of verdant romance if it weren’t for the incorrigible twosome, with their clever-dick tit-for-tatting in an endless to-and-fro. They’re enviably funny and effortlessly entertaining in the acerbic, competitive tradition of old mates with individual creative axes to grind. There’s a boys being boys storyline of sorts — husband and father Brydon dallies and gets the guilts; Coogan pals up with his teenage son. But the alpha personalities take centre stage, especially Brydon’s, whose one-man sketch portfolio makes a meal of every possible moment as the glowy days amble on.