ANIMATION; 1hr 36min
VOICES BY: Simon Pegg, John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, Simon Pegg

Icecapade: Scrat
The chatty beasts are out and about with furry bells on in their kinetic third spree. Squeaky try-hard Scrat (voiced by Chris Wedge) is still chasing his nut, with a foxy ladyfriend for competition. Mammoths Manny (Romano) and Ellie (Latifah) are having a baby — and the thought of that conception is not something anyone should dwell on. Sabre-toothed tiger Diego (Leary) is disillusioned with the cosy status quo and planning on making a break, which leaves Sid the lovably clueless sloth (Leguizamo) at even more of a loss.
To compensate, Sid steals three dinosaur eggs. It’s instant happy family time, until enraged mama dino kidnaps them all. Being friends indeed, the mammoths and the tiger promptly mount a rescue mission with a suave assist from Buck the weasel (Pegg).
The animation is super-crisp — especially in 3-D — and the animal action hightails it. Preview audience ankle-biters were enthralled. A few smart laughs would have seasoned the adult deal; without them, this sunny frolic is a tad lame-o and bland — in the cutest possible way, of course.